
If you are a New Zealand citizen or entitled to live and work in New Zealand and currently living in the country, then you are eligible to join KiwiSaver.

KiwiSaver is a relatively new type of subsidised, voluntary, government savings scheme created to supplement other savings tools.

If you need advice about the KiwiSaver scheme or would like more information on how to supplement your KiwiSaver savings, reach out to our Qualified Financial Advisers today for your no obligation FREE Discovery Session.

What Is KiwiSaver In New Zealand?

KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings scheme run by the government to help New Zealanders to save for their retirement.

Members can choose to contribute a minimum amount of 3% to their KiwiSaver account.

If you wish to contribute more, you can choose from 4%, 6%, 8% or 10% of your gross salary. If you have an employer, they will match your contributions with close to 3% of your gross income.

The government will also make a contribution annually of 50 cents for every dollar you contribute, up to $521 a year.

There are many KiwiSaver providers to choose from who will invest your savings on your behalf. If you don’t choose a provider, Inland Revenue will assign you to a default KiwiSaver provider that works for you.

How Does KiwiSaver work?

If you’re 18 years or over, you will be automatically enrolled into KiwiSaver if you start a new job (with a few exceptions). Your KiwiSaver account is not just a savings account; it has the additional benefit of a managed fund. This means a fund manager will invest your KiwiSaver savings on your behalf so that you can earn returns on your savings over time.

Your KiwiSaver account can continue to grow with:

  • Your automatic contributions
  • Your employer contributions
  • Government contributions
  • Investment returns
  • Any additional personal voluntary contributions

There are many different types of KiwiSaver schemes available and the right one for you will depend on how long you wish to save for and how much risk you are willing to take. The higher your risk profile, the higher the potential for improved performance, but with more variability in the day to day balance.

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Our Qualified Financial Advisers can help you achieve your goals with a tailored financial plan and proven financial expertise.

What can I use my KiwiSaver savings for?

Whatever your financial plans are, your savings can be used to help meet your needs:

Saving for a First Home – if you’ve been a member for at least 3 years, you may be eligible to withdraw most of your KiwiSaver account contributions to buy your first home. If you’ve owned property previously, this may also apply to you.

Saving for Retirement – If you choose to use your KiwiSaver investment to save for retirement, you can only withdraw after the age you are qualified for New Zealand Superannuation (NZ Super). Currently Kiwi’s receive NZ Super at the age of 65.

Find out how much you should save for retirement with our retirement calculator or by getting in touch with the experienced Qualified Financial Planners at MyFuture.

What Are The Main Benefits Of KiwiSaver?

Although KiwiSaver is a great savings vehicle with some good benefits, it’s not appropriate for everyone. It’s important to understand that your KiwiSaver investments are locked away until you’re 65 (unless you meet any of the criteria to withdraw below). So if you’re planning on retiring early, then you won’t be able to rely on any of your KiwiSaver funds to help provide an income for your early retirement. Also, at this stage you can only withdraw KiwiSaver for your first home purchase.

This means if you find you’ve been priced out of the NZ housing market and decide to put your KiwiSaver savings to good use by purchasing a more affordable investment property in a different location, you won’t be able to use your KiwiSaver savings to do so – this could have serious consequences on your long-term wealth creation potential.

Although KiwiSaver might not be your only savings tool, it is a great supplement to your other financial tools as there are many benefits to KiwiSaver. Investing in KiwiSaver is a no brainer for every New Zealander because:

  • Your KiwiSaver investment contributions come straight out of your pay, making saving easy.
  • Your employer has to contribute on top of your own contributions.
  • You receive government contributions annually as well.
  • You can choose whether to save for your first home or for retirement.
  • Your KiwiSaver account moves with you if you change jobs or leave the workforce.
  • There are ways to access your KiwiSaver savings should you find yourself in significant financial hardship.
  • It offers a low cost option to invest in managed funds.

When Can You Withdraw From KiwiSaver?

Although KiwiSaver is designed for retirement and first home savings, you can also apply to withdraw some of your savings if you are suffering or likely to suffer from significant financial hardship.

Significant financial hardship is defined in the KiwiSaver Act as financial difficulties arising because of:

  • the inability to meet minimum living expenses
  • the inability to meet mortgage repayments on your principal family residence resulting in the mortgagee seeking to enforce the mortgage on the residence
  • the cost of modifying a residence to meet special needs arising from a disability of a you or a dependent
  • the cost of medical treatment for an illness or injury of you or your dependent
  • the cost of palliative care for you or your dependent or the cost of a funeral for a dependent or
  • If you are suffering from a serious illness.

Our Qualified Financial Advisers at MyFuture can provide comprehensive financial guidance to get you started with your KiwiSaver investments today! Get in touch for your no obligation FREE Discovery Session.

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What is our 6-Step Financial Advice Process?

The 6-step financial advice process is the international benchmark for financial planning. This holistic approach is proven to increase the likelihood of you achieving your financial goals.

Steps 1 and 2

Discovery Session

This is our opportunity to get to know you better, understand your financial goals (short, medium and long-term), and what resources you have to achieve those goals.

Steps 2 and 3

Research & Recommendations

During these steps, we do the research, run the numbers, document and present our recommendations to you. This can be a comprehensive financial plan focused on long-term wealth creation and/or a statement of advice focused on your more immediate financial needs. We will need to verify the information you provided during the Discovery Session by requesting supporting documents such as loan and savings account balances, payslips, etc. This ensures we are using highly accurate information when developing our recommendations.

Step 5


This step is all about implementing the recommendations. We don’t just provide the recommendation; we take responsibility for helping you implement it. This could involve helping you to complete application forms, working with a broker to restructure your lending, or finding you suitable investments. We understand you’re busy, so our goal is to make your financial world as easy as possible by doing as much as we can in-house for you. However, ultimately, we never have access to your money and cannot sign anything on your behalf, so you need to be an active, willing, and ideally enthusiastic participant in this process.

Step 6

Ongoing Service & Reviews

This is where the real fun begins—managing and tracking your long-term financial success. We have periodic reviews to ensure your strategy is still appropriate if your goals or circumstances have changed. We adjust when necessary and provide annual snapshots so you can see your progress over time. Most importantly, you have your very own trusted Personal Financial Adviser available anytime to help with the little or big stuff. Worried about making next month’s mortgage repayments? Call us. Your parents gave you an early inheritance? Call us. Broke up with your partner and split all your assets? Call us! We’re here for you every step of the way to ensure that whatever life throws at you, you stay on track with your long-term financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions, myths, and assumptions about the FIRE movement:
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