Mortgage-free in 3 years

Learn how MyFuture clients Sarah and James paid off their mortgage in 3 years (instead of 12) and achieved financial freedom ahead of schedule.

How Sarah & James achieved financial freedom ahead of schedule

Clients: Sarah & James**
Time with MyFuture: 7 years
Average Net Position* Gain (per year with MyFuture): $244,207

*this figure does NOT include their home as an asset, but includes their home mortgage as debt

**the names have been changed to protect privacy

Meet Sarah & James, a couple who, like many, faced the challenge of planning for a comfortable retirement when they first approached us. Witnessing their parents struggle with downsizing upon retirement and struggle to make ends meet, served as a significant motivator for Sarah & James. They were determined to secure a better financial future for themselves and their children.

Although retirement wasn’t imminent as they were still in their 30s, Sarah & James were proactive in ensuring they could maintain their current lifestyle and achieve their long-term goals which meant being able to maintain their combined household income of $200,000 per year into their retirement. Other priorities included paying off their mortgage within the next 6 years (they had 12 years remaining), undertaking home renovations, and treating their family to memorable experiences like a trip to Disneyland and attending the Rugby World Cup.

To achieve these aspirations, they recognized the importance of a strategic financial plan tailored to their specific needs and objectives. They also wanted to know that in general they were being smart with their money.

Their journey with MyFuture began with their Discovery session where we took the time to truly understand their situation including what their goals were and what resources they had to achieve those goals. Next, we developed a comprehensive financial plan which focused on their long-term financial goals and paying down their mortgage as quickly as possible, while also taking into account their shorter to medium term goals - home renovations, and being able to travel as a family while the kids were still young.

Once we had presented their financial plan to them, Sarah and James officially engaged us to manage the implementation of their financial plan. We started a monthly monitoring and debt management programme with them to make sure that they were doing what they were meant to be doing, and we proactively made sure they were doing their investments when they were scheduled for.

With so much focus on their financial world and as they started seeing the results of their efforts, Sarah and James became really, really smart with their money. Instead of spending on things that they didn’t necessarily need, they instead doubled down on their wealth creation. Instead of taking 6 years to clear their mortgage as per their plan, they had it paid off in 3 years which meant they were in a position to invest more, and earlier - which has set them up for an even greater retirement. Clients are mortgage free on their home and are now well on their way to having enough investment assets to be able to maintain their $200,000 p.a. lifestyle into retirement. Better still, they are now in a financial position where they can look after their parents. We often see family photos including the grandparents taken from all over the world.

Through disciplined saving, strategic investments, and proactive planning, they built a secure financial foundation for themselves, their children, and their parents.

Today, Sarah & James continue to benefit from our ongoing support and guidance as their number 1 Trusted Advisers. Their success story serves as a testament to the value of personalized financial advice and the positive impact it can have on one's life.

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